1. Sleep through the whole night without getting out of bed to pee. Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night to go pee? That not only disrupts a perfectly good night of sleep, it makes you feel lethargic the next day. If you have a smaller bladder than most, you can either drink less during the afternoon/evenings and risk dehydration and deal with those issues or you can give in to your body’s needs and wear diapers to bed. Training to bedwet as an adult is nothing to be ashamed about. If wearing diapers to bed means getting the best sleep of your life and waking up feeling amazing every morning, then why not do what’s best for you? There’s no shame in improving any aspect of your life and I believe diapers can do just that.
2. Waking up in a thick, and comforting diaper. I know you love wearing diapers. You wouldn’t be here reading this if you didn’t like them. Wouldn’t wearing diapers to bed also make sense? Waking up in a wet diaper is one of the best feelings; I speak from experience. They say the best way to start your day is with a cup of coffee. I say it’s waking up in a soggy diaper. The warmth is simply so comforting and is something I don’t think I could live without because waking up wet never fails to put a smile on my face each and every morning.
3. The feeling of pure excitement when you wake up in the middle of peeing. After waking up to wet your diaper in bed in the middle of the night for a while, you will start to wake up in the middle of peeing. Embrace this and celebrate your success! This is exactly what needs to happen for you to become a bedwetter. Once this goes on for a bit, you’ll just wake up with a diaper that is much wetter and heavier than before. Doesn’t that sound magical?
4. Reassurance that you won’t get your sheets wet. I’ve found that I sleep better on top of a large underpad. Not only will my diaper keep me safe, in the very rare circumstance where I leak, the underpad will keep me and my sheets safe. Knowing that my sheets will remain dry and cozy in the event of a leak helps me fall asleep faster and sleep deeper, especially since I know that I don’t have to check my diaper multiple times to see if I’ve leaked or not.
5. Don’t want to waste diapers while messing? Mess your soggy nighttime diaper. I conditioned myself to poop in the mornings, meaning that I’m able to use my soggy nighttime diaper instead of a fresh one later in the day. This cuts down on my costs and makes staying diapered 24/7 easier since it reduces the amount of diapers I use in a given month. I’ve always felt that messing in the morning starts my day off right. Instead of spending 20 minutes on the potty going through my phone, I can simply squat down, push, then be done with the matter in under a minute if I just do the deed in my diaper. I’m going to use wipes and have a shower to clean myself anyways so why would it matter where my poo goes? I save a lot more time every day by messing my diaper. Yes, I know it feels a little icky at first but it gets a lot easier once it becomes part of your daily routine.
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