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The Basics of Diaper Training

1: Throw away all of your underwear (but keep your bras if you’re a lady!). This leaves you nothing but diapers to wear as underwear, and as we all know, wearing nothing down there can lead to some irritation. Not good for princess parts! Throwing away all of your undies ensures that you’ll have to wear diapers, and nothing but diapers. If you want to truly commit to this, then do that, or if you’re on the fence about it and want to try it out, stash all of your undies in a backpack or something that you can lock or put a lock on, then give that key to your bestie and have them not give it back until a week, two weeks, a month, or however long you feel like!

1a. Buy a large supply of diapers. I chose to go with the Abena M4 for starters, and have kept with it all the way through. For when you start dribbling (see below!), you can switch to a thinner diaper, like the cloth backed Abena M2. For lighter days, I’ve found that tena makes some decent diapers, same with Tranquility/Select. Select is cheaper, but the same brand, so I buy those a lot.

2: In the first couple of weeks, wear the highest absorbency diapers you can and drink a lot of anything. I typically started with two cups of coffee and 32oz of water afterwards. An hour later, I drank another 32 oz, ensuring that I would be dribbling throughout the day. This is exactly what you want! As soon as you feel like you have to pee, stand up and just let it out. This does two things. 1: Decreases your bladder capacity, and 2: Trains you to wet as soon as you feel it. Always be sipping on something, and try to drink at least two glasses of something an hour, all throughout the day. When you’re done wetting, keep your bladder open for as long as you can. It’s a weird feeling at first, but you’ll get used to it and it’ll become second nature. This part is critical to diaper training yourself. After a couple of weeks, or when you just start to dribble small amounts every five to ten minutes or so, then you can wear those thinner diapers. Besides, diaper changies are fun! 

3: For night time wetting, I found that tea and alcohol (in small amounts) helps me fall asleep and fills my bladder. I had to learn to sleep on my back to achieve night wetting, aka bedwetting. I bought some plastic sheets to give myself peace of mind, and this is important! You need to learn how to trust your diaper. Sometimes leaks happen, so you need to be prepared for this. So anyways, on the third night of doing this, I woke up in the middle of wetting myself. I instinctively clamped down, and it HURT! That means that my bladder was already used to being open all the time, and that’s a good thing! Do NOT clench down when you’re peeing, and for guys, do not masturbate, as doing so strengthens your sphincter. 

4: Practice peeing in different positions! Standing up is the easiest. Then try sitting down. Once you’ve mastered peeing sitting down, master peeing in your car. Trust me, this one is harder. Once you can do all of that, train yourself to pee while laying down. Propping yourself up helps!

5: After a week of learning to master these positions, you can try to start learning to bedwet. Drink lots of water before bed, and wet your fresh diaper a little bit before you go to bed. This tricks your mind into thinking that since you’re already wet, a little more won’t hurt, right? Make sure that you’re wearing a thick diaper for bedwetting. We can’t have leaks, right? If you’re still early in training, I’ve found that if you lay down and can’t go, drink more water. Soon enough, your bladder will get to the point of nearly bursting, and if you push a little bit, you can get the flow started. After you go through a couple of your thickest diapers doing this, then you’ll be well on your way to bedwetting like a good little girl/boy! If you wake up in the middle of the night, lean up a little bit and go. Do not get out of bed. Once you’re finished, simply go back to sleep with a smile on your face, knowing that you’re that much closer to bedwetting. In time, your body will learn that it is okay to wet the bed, but you should be wearing a diaper! :P You’ll start waking up in the middle of wetting, then you simply won’t wake up at all if you have to pee because your body already knows what to do! Just imagine how happy you’ll be when you wake up to a soaked diaper! It’s a very pleasant and arousing feeling, trust me. 

6: During this training process, you should be learning to wet in public. It’s super easy, really! Go to a big store and find a secluded section and let loose. If anyone somehow notices that you’re wearing a diaper, they’ll always assume that it’s for a medical condition, and that you can’t help it. And that’s because you can’t! You need diapers now! Not because you don’t have anything else to wear, but because you literally depend on diapers to make sure that you don’t have an accident. When you can wet comfortably by yourself, try doing it in the checkout line, or when you’re talking to other people. 

7: If you have to change in public, then do so with confidence! People will just assume that you need diapers, and that this isn’t a fetish thing. Do be discreet about disposing it, though, and that’s why I keep some plastic bags from Wal-Mart/Target in my purse. Secure your diaper in the bag, tie it up, then toss it in the trash can on your way to wash your hands. This is a lot easier than you think, so don’t let your mind play tricks on you!  You’ll never meet those people again since the chances of you meeting are super small, so if they do give you a weird look, who cares? They don’t know you! This is your new way of life, and you should be totally comfortable doing this after a while. Try starting in single stall family bathrooms to help you figure out what to do. I found that pressing my back against the wall with the back of my diaper already in place, then taping up the diaper helps a ton.

8: Since you are now diaper dependent, you will need to stash a few empty plastic bags, a small bottle of baby powder, and some extra diapers in either a bag in your trunk or in your purse, or both if you can do so. I always keep a bag of Abena M4′s in my trunk, and at least two or three in my purse at all times. 

9: Wear clothing that hides your diapers well, like blue jeans or loose shorts, and if you can manage it, makes it easier to change yourself in public. For us ladies, a skirt is your best friend! Wearing clothes that hide your diaper well will give you the confidence needed to wet comfortably in public.

10: Once you become fully diaper dependent, you have to start checking yourself to see how wet you are. Diaper checks are super fun, especially if you have someone else do it for you!


  1. That is a wonderful insight, in how to prevent retreating from diaper use.


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