152 days ago was when I started messing full time. That means a full FIVE MONTHS have passed of me pooping in my diapers. It’s crazy to think I’ll be doing this for a full year. As it is now, the timer isn’t going to expire till October 8, 2022; my heart races just thinking about the timer going into 2023.
Just like any other Christmas morning, I woke up with a wide smile on my face but it wasn’t because of presents under a tree, it was me feeling an all too familiar pressure in my tummy a lot earlier than usual. In these past couple of weeks, I have been listening to the Potty Diaper Nights hypnosis from Baby Pants just to see what would happen. For those interested, here’s a cut-down version of the description of the file:
Potty Diaper Nights:
Perhaps being a "Potty Pants" isn't a bad thing. Constipation occurs when the baby's stools cause significant difficulty and discomfort when being passed. Anxiety, stress and the lingering negative associations with having "Potty Pants" are strong contributors to constipation. This session will help you overcome all of this, and accept that it's a very good thing to do a poopy in your diaper, avoiding retention. You will learn to accept that wearing a diaper, being a baby and having potty pants are all good for you. The focus of the session will be directed primarily on achieving these positive results while sleeping soundly.
Based on what a little birdy keeps telling me, they think that messing while sleeping might be something that I would enjoy so I gave this hypnosis a shot. Christmas morning was the first time I realized something had changed. I usually don’t mess my diaper until after breakfast. This time, however, I woke up feeling like I had to poop immediately! It was an odd sensation because it didn’t feel like I had woken from a tummy ache, I had just woken up feeling like I slept soundly for the whole night and then it just so happened that I had to poop.
I rolled onto my back and pushed, still half asleep, noticing that it was easier to mess myself. I didn’t have to push as hard as before, too! It just slid out into its rightful place in the seat of my diaper. I’m glad I didn’t have to get out of bed to get my vibrator because then it would have smeared the poo all over and I probably would have felt like taking a shower and changing. I like keeping my poop nice and neat down there, but this time I made sure to celebrate knowing exactly what I’d just done. I like to reinforce the fact that a messy diaper makes me a good girl, and the best way to do that is by using my vibrator to make myself cum. I may or may not have pulled the diaper up against me as tightly as I could near the end. =P
Part of me was really surprised to wake up needing to poo so badly, but the other more rational part of me convinced me that it would be best to take a break. I’m still on the fence about messing during the night time when I’m fast asleep. While I’m more than happy to do it during the day in the privacy of my home, doing it at night could lead to less happy times like rashes or infections from poop being in contact with my skin.
Cleaning up sucked, but hey, I was going to make a diaper messy no matter what. I was glad that I got it out of the way before breakfast. However, it did throw a wrench in my morning rituals so the day did feel a little off but it got better when I went over to my parent’s house to make Christmas cookies. I was glad my mom didn’t notice me wearing diapers yesterday because she’s usually good at noticing what’s different about me. I would freak the heck out if she brought up my diapers. And if my mom knows about my diapers, then there’s no doubt she’d tell my dad who would give me a never-ending amount of grief over it. In a fantasy world, I’d like to tell them about my diapers, but in reality, I’m afraid it’s something I’ll never do. Plus it’s my body and they don’t need to know why I need these wonderfully soft things, much less what I put in them! =P
As I’m sure you might know by this point, messing my diapers all the time adds more of a financial load on my back and I wouldn’t have been able to get this far without your donations of diapers and other related supplies. I’m truly grateful for those of you who have kept me padded this year and I hope to keep making content like these journals often. The more diapers I receive, the more updates I can write!
1: Throw away all of your underwear (but keep your bras if you’re a lady!). This leaves you nothing but diapers to wear as underwear, and as we all know, wearing nothing down there can lead to some irritation. Not good for princess parts! Throwing away all of your undies ensures that you’ll have to wear diapers, and nothing but diapers. If you want to truly commit to this, then do that, or if you’re on the fence about it and want to try it out, stash all of your undies in a backpack or something that you can lock or put a lock on, then give that key to your bestie and have them not give it back until a week, two weeks, a month, or however long you feel like! 1a. Buy a large supply of diapers. I chose to go with the Abena M4 for starters, and have kept with it all the way through. For when you start dribbling (see below!), you can switch to a thinner diaper, like the cloth backed Abena M2. For lighter days, I’ve found that tena makes some decent diapers, same with Tranquility/Select...
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