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Tips from a Diaper Dependency Expert

The longer I wear, the more tips and tricks I discover to make my life back in diapers easier. Here’s a short list of things that might help you now or in the future!

Worried about leaking while bedwetting? Don’t use stuffers. Those expand and will stand above the leak guards of the diaper leading to a lot more leaks. Stuffers are fine to use while standing or sitting because your diaper forms a valley for your urine to soak into. I’ve been stuffing a baby diaper folded the other way down the back of my diaper lately. Since I usually sleep on my back, this helps make a wall between the back of my diaper and my pee. I hate that feeling of pee tickling my lower back because that means that I’m leaking or I’m about to leak; using baby diapers in this manner has prevented nearly all of those silly leaky situations.

During the day, you can use those same baby diapers as replaceable boosters up front! I prefer using Luvs baby diapers because of the scent; they really remind me of when I was younger. They also have built-in leak guards, too! Using baby diapers as boosters in this manner helps extend the life of your main diaper. Imagine you’re in a situation where you can’t change for hours because you’re out in public or at a job. All you need to do is keep a few spare baby diapers in your pocket or purse and when they need to be swapped out, just excuse yourself to the restroom and swap them there. Compared to an adult diaper, you can easily hide a wet baby diaper and you can discreetly dispose of it in the trash can all while also maintaining the ruse that you still need to use the restroom and a potty. If anyone suspects you of wearing a diaper, going to the restroom every couple of hours should make them question if you are even wearing a diaper in the first place.

Washable underpads were one of the biggest things that helped me give up my control at night. I sleep on top of a very large one every single night because I know that even if I do leak, I won’t get my sheets or bed wet. Not only am I protected by my lovely fluffy diapers, I’m protected by this massive underpad that’s super soft. On top of that, I also have a waterproof mattress protector as a backup to my underpad for those one in a million leaky moments. With all of these keeping me safe, I feel like I can pee all night long and not have to worry about a thing.




  1. I am a super heavy wetter and I use both disposable underpads and washable underpads on bed at night. With a heavy diaper and water proof cover I still leaks so an underpad gives me total peace of mind to wet all night long.


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