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Showing posts from February, 2023

The Proper Mindset for Diaper Training

Only with the right mindset will you be successful in diaper training. Have you ever had those days where you just don’t have the motivation to stay diapered? Everyone has. What sets you aside from everyone else is how you act when given the choice between putting on the next diaper or not. I’ve found that a lot of people like to give themselves a choice when they first start diaper training. By keeping their old undies, they give themselves a way out of diapers. If you truly want to be successful in training, you shouldn’t think like this because it gives the impression that wearing diapers is temporary or optional. Furthermore, you should heavily consider throwing away all of your panties or boxers. Doing this would keep you from having that backup option. If you had no other option but to put on another diaper, you would simply put on the next diaper. It takes two to four weeks to get used to a new habit and for it to feel normal, like it’s part of your day. If you can manage wearin...

Travelling with Diapers

When it comes to traveling with diapers, there are two main scenarios one will face: driving or flying. Naturally, driving would be the preferred method because you’d be able to pack as many diapers as your heart desires, however, since driving can take a lot longer than flying, you’re faced with a pressing issue: do you prioritize the convenience of getting to your destination faster or do you prioritize the convenience of packing your diapers in your car? Well, you might be surprised that flying may actually take a lot more time than you may think. How long do we spend at airports trying to fly somewhere? We are there at least two hours before the flight leaves and that’s not accounting for delays or cancellations. Then we stand in line waiting for the rental car; good luck getting out of there in under an hour. On your return flight home, you’d have to return the rental car and then go through the same process praying that the flight doesn’t get delayed or canceled. While the flight...

Hypnosis and Bedwetting

Hypnosis and bedwetting combined can be a great tool in achieving your goals in diaper training. Hypnosis really helped me become a bedwetter and once that happened, I saw a sharp decline in my level of bladder capacity and control. In order for you to become a bedwetter like me, you’ll need some supplies and need to do some training first. The necessary supplies are what you’d expect: diapers, underpad, powder, and plastic panties. You need to first find a diaper you can trust to not leak. This diaper must have tall leak guards (You have to pull them up to make them work) and enough padding to last you through several wettings lying down. If you don’t already have the 44x52 Kanech washable underpad, buy it or something similar to sleep and practice wetting lying down on. Powder is optional, though it’s nice to always feel dry down there. Plastic panties are great because they are an additional layer of protection against leaks. Combined with the large bedwetting underpad, you’ll be we...

How to Deal with Leaks

 Leaking is everybody’s worst nightmare. Leaks suck and diapers can fail in a lot of different ways. I’m here to tell you what to look out for so you can recognize the signs and prevent a catastrophe from happening. I’ve seen diapers leak from pinholes in the plastic to boosters standing too tall above leakguards. I’ve experienced leaks in all positions and in many situations. Leaks may make your bladder shut on its own and keep you from peeing which will hurt your training progress. You shouldn’t ever let your diaper get so wet and soggy that your bladder keeps you from peeing. I’ve always changed around 80% of usable capacity left so that I could always have a small emergency backup of padding just in case. This also keeps me flowing because I have peace of mind that I’m not going to leak. I’ve always recommended that you test your diapers fully and intentionally make them leak while at home so that you can learn to recognize the signs of a potential leak in the future. This way ...